
Neither intuitive nor logical, it is curious that some of the decisions that have the most dramatic impact on one’s life, at the moment one is making them, seem trivial, mundane. “Shall we turn down this road and do one more errand, or just go home?”. One path leading deeper into the gray clouds of a storm, the other toward a clearing sky awash in color.

Habitually traveling the same direction, making the same decisions, yields familiar results. Though these circumstances may indeed be actually unpalatable, one experiences an illusion of control, a senseof comfort in their predictability.

Clinging to routine, though comfortable, can insulate one from the wonder of the world of which we are a part. Bravely allowing one’s intuition to trump the comfort of familiar choices leads us to realize unbounded joy; the divine miracle that is our true nature, the true nature of all creation.

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