
These beings seem to have based their northward migration more on the calendar than prevailing weather conditions. Bewildered, rather than being able to rest and feed, they now pace thick ice in search of open water.

For the past two nights, thunder and lightning, riding wave after wave of fierce rain pouncing on the tin roof accompanied our dreams, at times, overwhelming us to wakefulness.

Morning revealed rivulets through the yard, formed only as Spring rains provoke frost from the ground, or during the most potent of Summer thunder storms.

A cold Spring can be every bit as uncomfortable as early Winter when one is not yet acclimated to the cold. As Winter progresses, cold is driven deeper and deeper into us, eventually making a 20 degree Winter day seem warmer than a 40 degree Autumn night.

Introspection has been our constant companion through the recent days on end of grey, mist or rain, with temperatures in the low 30’s. Unusual aches and cramps, deep within the core seem to become prominent and resolve at random, making us aware that indeed, the body is changing, responding to the change of season.

Even though late by the calendar, Winter continues to work it’s way out of the body, loosen it’s grip on water. Ice has already broken up and given way in moving water; soon the same will happen in ponds and lakes everywhere.

Cold Springs gives us a chance to rest in uncomfortable anticipation, knowing that, as it does every year, the strengthening radiance of the Spring Sun will evaporate the last of the ice, drive warmth to the marrow of our bones, replacing there the resolve necessitated by Winter.






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