changeThere had been a few days, not many, between the season’s first cross-country ski the last week of November, and the heavy rains the first week in April, that one could see anything but a blanket of snow on the ground.

A world frozen, locked solid, for months. Grass and vegetation happily dormant, insulated from the caprices of temperature and wind by the thick snow.

Sometimes the surface of the snowpack was hard, drift edges sharpened by stiff winds, sometimes left soft and sensuous by light dry snow falling through still air.

Until a couple of weeks ago, no green, nothing but unchanging silver, white, and grey.

Then, Snowdrops, yellow Daffodils white and yellow perched atop dark green stems prominented themselves in the yard – finally – Spring!

A couple of sunny days when one could really feel the sun seeping into one’s head, face, shoulders, arms, seemed to promise Summer soon.

This morning, awakening to a yard covered in white, a ridgeline grizzled to silver, reminds one that change is not a linear process.

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