“Too numerous to count” aptly describes these tiny wildflowers observed recently on Elk Mountain. They seem to be everywhere, infusing the deep green grass with a lapis hue when seen from a distance.

A cool damp day bodes for indoor activities this evening – not to worry though, Crimson Tears will still be rocking out at the Stone Bridge Tavern, and the weekend looks like the weather will be fine for The Heritage Bike Tour and Festival.

Laughter is the best medicine – even if you’re already feeling fine! Stop by The View-Coyote Bar and Grill On June 15th and be prepared to be amazed by the Magic, Mind Reading and Comedy of Denny Corby.

If you haven’t tried Yoga at Studio B yet, this is the week! When the weather is agreeable, you’ll find a note taped to the door of the Studio on Main Street Forest City indicating that Yoga will be held up the street in Kennedy Park. Very nice to do Sun Salutations while facing the actual sun as it nears the place in the sky where it will seem to stand still for several days! Don’t be shy, everyone is welcome whether experienced or not. Erin and Tiff will gently guide you to a place of relaxation within you that you may have forgotten existed!

It’s light till nearly nine at night – enough light to get a good day of work in, and still give your jogging shoes, hiking boots, or bicycle some love and attention as we enjoy these last few days of astronomical Spring.

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