November Dawn
Awakening before some nights retire, it is difficult to percieve the source of the brightness of the yard; could be snow, could be moonlight.
This morning, as dawn pronounced her conspicuity, the soft, dull, white glow of the yard revealed a coating of snow. The weather station reported a low temperature of just less than 15 degrees.
Winter scene; winter weather with still five full weeks of Autumn.
The light is the same now as it will be in late January, though a November dawn just doesn’t seem nearly as cold or dark as a mid-winter day.
Because the sun has been full and bright for so long and it’s strength has been diminishing gradually, or maybe as we still carry Summer’s warmth and light within us, confidence is our partner as we continue toward the darkest part of the year.
November steels us for the impending Winter.
Gratitude for our Veterans this week reminds us of how much our lives, our lifestyles, are possible only because of the effort and sacrifice of others.
Thanksgiving preparations emphasize just how appropriate, how important, expression of gratitude is. We’ve made it through Summer toil, another harvest; time to enjoy bounty, family and friends.
The more gratitude for our present circumstances is kept in our minds, our hearts, the greater our ability to navigate whatever conditions, whatever challenges lie before us.