These critters have been enjoying cooling off in near ear deep summer grass.
These critters have been enjoying cooling off in near ear deep summer grass.
In a stunning display of solidarity with their outdoor cousins, these orchids recently burst a half dozen swollen buds into...
Comes a sense of comfort from seeing the chaos of individual haystalks, processed into rows of hay, transformed into orderly...
Doesn't seem to make sense that just as the Sun gets as prominent as it gets, heating everything below it,...
This blossom, and a bunch of it's kin has populated a bush in the yard. Not that they've not done...
Many years ago during a Summer drought when mowing the yard became unnecessary for a couple of weeks, this tree...
Snow drops are long gone, lilacs faded, peonies swollen to near bursting. These bleeding hearts punctuate the yard as green...
Cooled by a late afternoon storm, these beings enjoy a leisurely supper; some dining from the meadow, some dining from...
It's always nice to see the first rainbow of the season. Sure, one can remember what the last one looked...