Year: 2017
Mock Orange
This blossom, and a bunch of it's kin has populated a bush in the yard. Not that they've not done...
Black Locust
Many years ago during a Summer drought when mowing the yard became unnecessary for a couple of weeks, this tree...
Bleeding Heart
Snow drops are long gone, lilacs faded, peonies swollen to near bursting. These bleeding hearts punctuate the yard as green...
Cooled by a late afternoon storm, these beings enjoy a leisurely supper; some dining from the meadow, some dining from...
It's always nice to see the first rainbow of the season. Sure, one can remember what the last one looked...
Common Periwinkle
Even more so than usual, any gaze cast on the neighborhood illuminates beauty. Far across the valley, buds, impatient to...
Black Squirrel
Grey squirrels frequent the yard. It's always nice to see their big fluffy tails. It's not uncommon to see squirrels...
Spring Green
Pastel green seems to be most prominent this spring, along with smatterings of puce amongst still grey yet to bud...
Geese and Buds
There aren't many more reliable signs of spring than buds and geese. Already, ski season seems like a distant memory,...