Winters often leave the roads buckled, pot-holed, and bumpy. Every so often, they get to the point of needing a...
Winters often leave the roads buckled, pot-holed, and bumpy. Every so often, they get to the point of needing a...
Rain or shine? Long pants or short? Under a mostly cloudy sky, we start up, The wet long grass soon...
Usually, a question wistfully murmured somewhere around Labor Day. Posed now, anticipation of unrealized possibilities come prominently to mind: Tunes...
Days on end of wet makes strangers of the sun, moon, and stars; Causes the grass in the yard to...
Stony Mountains Maybe nothing so defines the character of this area as stone. Look up, and you'll see Elk Mountain...
watercolor by Ed Parkinson Signs of Spring are everywhere! Take time to enjoy a breath of fresh air - cast...
"April is the cruelest month" begins t.s. eliot's poem "The Wasteland". Certainly, sources of suffering in this world are evident...
Geese have been prominent for many days. Except on the highest hills and a few stubborn patches in the yard,...
Wikipedia reports that Telemark skiing (also known as free heel skiing) is a form of skiing using the Telemark turn....
Elk Mountain hosts some of the finest young skiers as they compete in the Wilburger and Kilgore Memorial junior ski...