Dragon tongue bean
Dragon tongue bean Curiosity got the better of me earlier this summer, when I came across a small plastic envelope...
Dragon tongue bean Curiosity got the better of me earlier this summer, when I came across a small plastic envelope...
Climbing Nightshade Wikipedia reports: Solanum dulcamara, also known as climbing nightshade, bittersweet nightshade, blue bindweed, Amara Dulcis, felonwood, poisonberry, scarlet...
In a stunning display of solidarity with their outdoor cousins, these orchids recently burst a half dozen swollen buds into...
This blossom, and a bunch of it's kin has populated a bush in the yard. Not that they've not done...
Many years ago during a Summer drought when mowing the yard became unnecessary for a couple of weeks, this tree...
Snow drops are long gone, lilacs faded, peonies swollen to near bursting. These bleeding hearts punctuate the yard as green...
Even more so than usual, any gaze cast on the neighborhood illuminates beauty. Far across the valley, buds, impatient to...
Autumnal Colors A grey day today only serves to make more apparent Autumn's colors. Keep an eye on the weather...
Grifola frondosa Recently a friend stopped by in my driveway and said "Hey, want a mushroom?" "Sure!" I replied, knowing...
These Jerusalem artichokes, also called sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambour, appear every Summer about now. Though the mercury continues...