Spike Buck
This fellow barely paid any attention as his picture was snapped from a fairly close distance. One of his girlfriends...
This fellow barely paid any attention as his picture was snapped from a fairly close distance. One of his girlfriends...
These girls are cooling themselves on one of this Summer's hottest days. What could be better than being knee deep...
"April is the cruelest month" begins t.s. eliot's poem "The Wasteland". Certainly, sources of suffering in this world are evident...
A couple of old friends take a walk past recently turned Sumac.
While traveling toward Elkdale recently, the handsome fellow above was spotted lumbering across the road. Somewhat shy, he turned away...
The horses enjoy returning to their summer pasture as Elk Mountain's snowpack reluctantly diminishes.
A recent thaw provided a resting spot for a flock of Snow Geese, pictured above, on their way back to...
Tender grass makes for a great late Spring supper.
Under days longer than nights, the snowpack diminishes gracefully, yields to vernal industry.
Beretta the dog enthused over the season.