Rose of Sharon
The last week of July finished with day after day after day of 90+ degree weather. The Rose of Sharon...
The last week of July finished with day after day after day of 90+ degree weather. The Rose of Sharon... reports the following: Amanita muscaria var. guessowii Region: Eastern/northeastern North America. From northeast Canada, as far south as the...
Bleeding Heart Yup, there ya have it, a bleeding heart liberal flower. In interest of equality, I had searched for...
Spring Color Finally some color has sprouted from the beds barely protected by such a pale winter. Given the mild...
A recent morning ramble through the neigborhood took me past fungus, earthworms, hawks, turkey buzzards, lily pads, cat tails, beaver...
These beings are enjoying a sweet late summer dinner, on a cozy flower for two. Though requiring flowers and crops...
I imagine if I live here long enough, and pay better attention than I have been for the past quarter...
Indian Pipe A recent walk on the cross-country ski trail led through Narnia-like woods abundant with fern, Indian Pipe, fungus; sunlit...
I'm grateful that I don't have to remember to breathe, don't have to think at all about it. I'm grateful...
Wikipedia reports "Filipendula ulmaria, commonly known as meadowsweet is a perennial herb in the family Rosaceae that grows in damp...